Welcome to EuNIT
European project desigN and management In the South MediTerranean region
EuNIT is a European project that aims, over 3 years (2016-2019), to increase international activity in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the Southern Mediterranean region. This project involves 16 partners and 6 associated partners from Croatia, France, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Spain and has been co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme for the amount of 1 million euros.
2nd External training session and final project meeting | Beirut 3-4 October 2019
The second external training session and final project meeting was hosted by the University of Saint Joseph on the 3rd and 4th of October 2019. On the first day trainers from Lebanese, Jordanian and Libyan partner universities carried out training sessions on different topics related to European programs and projects.
Internal training session at the University of Balamand
In the context of the EUNIT Erasmus+ project, the EuNIt team at the University of Balamand Have organized an internal information/training session on Wednesday, 24 July 2019.
Sapienza’s Assessment visit to Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth | Beirut 29-31 May 2019
On the 29th of May 2019, Sapienza University of Rome team travelled to Beirut to perform an assessment visit of the EU project design and management unit installed at the University of Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth.
Assessment of the European Projects unit at the university of Balamand
In May 2019, UNIMED visited the University of Balamand to assess the created and installed EU project design and management unit at the University of Balamand. The EU unit was set-up according to the Activity T3.1 as outlined in the second development phase (Work Package 3).
EuNIT represented at the General Assembly of the Tethys Network
In April, the Tethys Network held its Annual general assembly, hosted by the University of La Sapienza in Rome. The Tethys Network is a consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities that aims to create dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterranean and […]