Here you can find the project results according to EuNIT workplan.
2nd External training session and final project meeting | Beirut 3-4 October 2019
The second external training session and final project meeting was hosted by the University of Saint Joseph on the 3rd and 4th of October 2019. On the first day trainers from Lebanese, Jordanian and Libyan partner universities carried out training sessions on different topics related to European programs and projects.
MOOCs | September 2019
The MOOCs, filmed during the training sessions, are online with English and Arabic subtitles. Each video provides an overview of a variety of programs. The link towards these videos:
Guidebook for EU project design and management for unit installation | July 2019
The guidebook was drafted to define a set of guidelines for HEIs who wish to install a unit for the design and management of EU projects. With each partner having their own specificities, the guidebook wants to be broad enough to enable each institution to adapt the setting up procedures but also detailed enough to provide the right guidance. The guidebook is available in English and Arabic.
Guidebook-EuNIT Fianl_2019_EN.pdf
Guidebook-EuNIT Final_2019_AR.pdf

EuNIT Regional conference and EuNIT Network launch | July 2019
The EuNIT Regional conference and EuNIT Network launch was hosted by the Princess Sumaya University for Technology. Over 100 people representing universities from the entire Mediterranean and Middle-Eastern region attended the event.